I just spent the weekend with some really cool people who were in town to run the St. Jude Marathon.
On one hand it sucked. I am still sick, even more sick, and I felt terrible the entire time. I wasn’t my normal joyous self so I wasn’t too much fun.
On the other hand the visit brought me back to life. I remember the things I want to do and the place I still want to go and who I want to be. Sometimes living where I do, I forget these things. I let me world get really small because I feel so stuck there. But no more! This weekend was a great reminder of some things… such as….
I want to be a triathlete! I want to be a triathlete so bad its ridiculous. I think it is the perfect sport for me. You basically race against yourself (unless you are awesome and a pro which I never will be). I love to swim, I love to bike. I almost like running. I think I will like running a lot more when I weigh less. Smaller means faster and easier and that sounds great. It just sounds like so much fun to me.
Also, a reminder to me (and you): DON’T LET ANYONE ELSE TELL YOU WHAT TO DO OR WHAT YOU WANT.
Since I sometimes have trouble making decisions I like to ask people what they think I should do. I normally do this just to get opinions and maybe see a side to the situation I had not thought about. But I think this tendency I have makes me vulnerable to letting other people tell me what to do. And that just isn’t going to happen. I am going to do what is best for me. And that is that.
You’ll be a fantastic triathlete! Come, join me :-D The hell with everyone else!
Marshmallow’s last blog post..Cranky Fitness: Who is the real loser here?
I want to do a triathlon too, it sounds fun and challenging and healthy. I have run in some small road races.