Memphis has been kind enough in the last month to provide me with unusually beautiful weather. Last month was the best August I can remember since moving here 12 years ago. The weather never got into the 100s, it didn’t rain much, and many days were spent basking in sunny 70 degree weather. It was as perfect as August in Memphis can be.
The first day of September was another perfect kind of day. Today has been sunny with only a few puffy white clouds to accent the brilliant blue skies. A constant, cool wind blowing has kept the low 70 degree temperatures feeling almost chilly. It was the perfect day for a secret lunchtime tweetup with an anonymous blogger that you might know as JackSh*t.
I’ve been super busy the last couple days trying to tie up lose ends here before I head off to Vermont, but when JackSh*t mentioned a walk at Shelby Farms on such a beautiful day I couldn’t say no. Why run errands and do boring pre-moving tasks when I could easily take an hour off to walk? Why waste a BEAUTIFUL day inside darting from task to task instead of enjoying it with a little exercise? Right. I couldn’t think of a reason either. So I headed off to the park to walk around the lake.
To be honest I wasn’t sure what kind of fellow I would find. I mean, have you read his bio?
Come and listen to a story ’bout a man named Jack, Who never quit eating ‘cept to stop and have a snack. Then one day he was standing on his scale, And he realized he’d really let his body go to hell. (Obesity that is, black fat, Texas toast) Well the first thing you know old Jack he made a vow, He’d ratchet up the exercise and slow down on the chow. He wanted to get his weight back to where it oughta be, So he loaded up his sh*t and he moved to Bloggery. (Google Blogger that is, writing posts, makin’ jokes) Well now it’s time to say hello to Jack and all his sh*t As he chronicles his adventures on his journey to get fit. You’re all invited back each day to this locality, To have a heaping helping of health and hilarity. (Jack Sh*t, Gettin’ Fit, that is.) Y’all come back now, ya hear?
I went thinking Mr. JackSh*t could be either a) a weird guy named Jack who rhymed everything b) a humor blogging genius or c) a cool dude who writes funny and often genuinely inspirational posts about weight loss. (Answer: C. With a little bit of B too.) Turns out he is a pretty cool dude and quite funny in real life. Reading his posts now makes them even funnier. If you didn’t think that could be possible I hope you get to meet him one day. And in the meantime definitely read his blog, the best humorous weight loss blog out there.
We had a nice walk around the lake that turned out to be 1.67 miles long. Man I really enjoyed it. I had never been to Shelby Farms just to walk, even though for the last month I’ve been living 10 minutes away. I’ve been missing out! The weather is so beautiful here right now I hope I can go walk out there again for the next couple of days when I can squeeze it in.
There is no real theme to this post. Just wanted to say it is beautiful here in Memphis, I’m getting exercise in, and I met that silly JackSh*t guy. Great fun all around!
Oh fun! You know the secret Jack Sh*t! I feel like you know batman or another superhero!
I’m new to weight loss blogging, so thanks for the info about Jack. You’re right, his blog is great!
The weather has been gorgeous in Missouri lately too. I had to work today, but I did take a long walk outside over lunch.
totally jealous of your walk, your weather, and you & Jack Sh*t doing a meet-n-greet!
It pretty much is like that. He wears a cape. Just saying.
Glad to pass the info along! Glad your weather was great too! Lunch walks in nice weather are the best!
I totally want to meet you next. Are you going to fitbloggin? Please, please, please say yes!
That sounds so great. The weather has been like that in Jackson, too, and I have LOVED it! I want to go to Shelby Farms to walk or run; that would be awesome!
The weather has been beautiful during the day in NYC too, but it’s cold right now. My windows are open, and it feels like late fall out there!
It sounds like you had a great time!
That sounds lovely! Nothing better than a good walk with great company.
Very lucky, the weather up here has been crappy. Too much rain and cold weather.
Take advantage of those days, winter is coming……
It such a inspiring story of jack. congrats for gaining the weight again and get fit.
I’m also in awe of the fact that you met Jack Sh*t! He’s one of my favorite bloggers! He’s got some good sh*t!
I’m going to have to google Shelby Farms! I was wondering if Jack was really a real person or not!! (Just kidding)
Sounds like you had a great time. I know you are excited about leaving for VT in a few days. Wow!
Summer in Memphis is a lot like summer in West Kentucky. We both have the heat and the incredible humidity, which is often 95% or higher. Like you, the last month has been great.
It sounds like you and Jack had a great walk. I bet it is nice to meet a fellow blogger in person.
@Erin and Diane
You guys are both in Jackson, so you should road trip it down to Memphis and hang out at Shelby Farms for a day. It would be fun! JackSh*t and Cammy can go and it will be a big west tn weight loss blogger meetup! Hehe. Seriously though, Shelby Farms is really cool so go if you get a chance.
Hey thar! Love your blog…am looking forward to meeting you here at GMFR :)
@Chef Lisa
I’m excited to meet you!
I was on a miserable bad luck streak since I met Cammy (stolen wallet, injured back, lost remote control), but since I met you, things have completely turned around. This morning, I found a penny in the parking lot.
Good luck on your exciting new opportunity, Mary.
Sounds like a wonderful day & meeting Jack Sh*t.. how cool is that! How exciting about your Vermont trip coming too. So beautiful there!