About six months ago, I mentioned in a post that I needed to review my EatSmart Kitchen Scale. Today I’m finally doing that exact thing because this kitchen scale has been a truly great purchase for me.
It no longer turns on without being funky but I’m hoping after drying it for a while it will come back to life.
Fingers crossed because we use that scale for every meal and snack we both eat.
By now you might have guessed that this is a positive review of the EatSmart Kitchen Scale. Originally EatSmart sent me a free scale for review. I ended up using it for a while then losing it in a move. I bought myself a replacement of the exact same scale after because I loved it so much. This is just a positive review because I really freaking loved this kitchen scale!
Reasons I Love the EatSmart Kitchen Scale
- It’s accurate. Precise to 1 gram.
- Extremely easy to use. It only has two buttons! :)
- Can show ounces, lbs, grams or kgs (We use grams now but I previously used ounces.)
- Great battery life. Despite all the use it gets I’ve never replaced the batteries.
- It cuts off automatically after 3 minutes to save battery life (see above). Since I often forget to turn things off this helps a lot.
- Reads negative numbers which is really helpful!
- Light but sturdy. It’s actually surprising how sturdy the scale is but I love that it’s really light and not a chore to bring out and lug around the kitchen.
Reasons I Recommend the EatSmart Kitchen Scale
- If you count calories you need to measure food. Therefore, you need a quality kitchen scale.
- It’s pretty durable. Despite my incident it has survived quite well sans running water. I used it regularly for a year and pretty hardcore for the last few months in NZ.
- Inexpensive. Right now it is $20 on Amazon which is a great deal for such a useful kitchen tool.
- It has range. It can measure up to 10/11 lbs. You know, in case you need that.
- Good customer service. Though I haven’t needed it I read a few stories on Amazon and on blogs about people being helped or receiving a replacement scale when problems occurred.
- Everyone loves it. Just check out the ridiculous amount of positive reviews on Amazon:
Problems with the EatSmart Kitchen Scale
- Can be hard to read with a big bowl or pan on top. You can still read it but it takes more effort.
- Mine died before I finished making dinner so I had to estimate!
I think this is the best review I’ve done because this is possibly the best product I’ve ever reviewed. It helps that I have a full year of experience using the scale rather than just a few days or weeks…. you know it’s 100% my opinion!
So, if you are in the market for a kitchen scale to measure and weigh your food, I recommend the EatSmart Kitchen Scale.
Three years later I’m still using this exact kitchen scale. It’s served me well for several years from everything from baking to measuring portions for dinner. It’s highly versatile and really useful tool to have in my kitchen. If you want one for yourself, you can get one on Amazon.