One of my dearest friends wrote this the other day regarding her own life,
“I’ve been working on being positive but it’s amazing how one negative thought can get the ball rolling.”
It’s really easy to let negativity creep in. I know I let it happen. I’m doing so well and being positive then I make a mistake like eating cookies for breakfast. Suddenly my knowing what I’m doing and certainty in my future success fades a little. And once it fades a little, I sure can heap onto it a lot of other negativity.
But that’s not what I want out of life.
I don’t think that’s what anyone really wants out of life.
My day yesterday had a miserable tone to it after I let one little thing in the morning start my own negative snowball for the day. Today I want to be different. So I made sure the first thing I sent out to the world (literally, on Twitter) was,
Another new day to be grateful for! And I am! :)
I’m grateful for the fact that every new day is an opportunity to make new and good choices. Every new day is an opportunity to start fresh. It’s a new opportunity to feel positive. It’s easy to let the negative creep in, but not really worth it.
So today I am once again choosing to be positive. It’s a new day and I’m going to fill it with positivity and good choices for my health and life.
Every day is a new day. Every hour is a new hour. YAY for the new day!
.-= Foodie McBody´s last blog ..Stuff on my Tummy =-.
I think one of the best parts of this journey is realizing that we can pick ourselves up again, drag ourselves out of ruts, pluck ourselves from negative spirals (whatever you want to call it), more quickly. I used to think that the goal was to never fall down again, to never let myself get in a rut, or spiral out of of control…but now I know better. The goal is to be aware enough to not let the falls, ruts and spirals last too long. Congrats!
.-= KCLAnderson (Karen)´s last blog ..Quotes That Speak To Me (and an award!) =-.
Remember, a thought is just a thought. I find that the negative ones are rarely based on truth, so instead of avoiding the negative thought, I acknowledge it and then expose the lie. Then it can’t hurt me anymore. I have to do this over and over, but eventually the negative thoughts get replaced by positives. Good luck!
.-= Hanlie´s last blog ..More about Maggie =-.
It’s funny….I could be having a great day and one negative thing will change the perspective for the whole thing. I wish I wasn’t so susceptible to the “snowball” effect!
.-= Lisa´s last blog ..Weekend Report Card =-.
It is interesting how negativity can destroy a day and for what. We have the power to chose what we want to become and who we become. No one else at least in this free nation can keep us from being successful.
.-= Skyler Meine´s last blog ..Why I Won’t Be Like the Vuvuzela =-.
I must admit negativity really does a number on me some days! I do try to turn it into positivity most of the time :)
.-= suzanne´s last blog ..I’m home, finally!! =-.
Lapses like the one you described are common when someone is trying to change. Fortunately, you caught yourself, learned from your lapse, and worked on being positive again. You didn’t let yourself snowball so out of control that you were back, permanently in the old behavior again. Congrats!!
.-= Julie´s last blog ..If losing the weight has become a losing battle, here is probably why. =-.
I’m a generally positive person but I noticed that when one thing goes badly some days the whole day can be ruined and it shouldn’t be like that, things happen but they should not ruin a WHOLE day :)
.-= Anne @ Food Loving Polar Bear´s last blog ..Leftover Monday =-.
My mom used to say “only you can choose your attitude.” It used to really bug me because what teenager wants to hear that? Now that I’m older I see that she was right. We may not be able to choose our circumstances or the actions of others, but we can choose how we react and how we feel.
Which kind of sucks. Blaming people is half the fun, no? But with most things, especially weight loss, personal accountability makes up for most of the effort. No one can make anyone do anything, and that includes have a good attitude. It’s all up to the individual.
.-= Denise´s last blog ..ricetastic =-.