One Happy Dog
JuJu is loving this week as the spoiled puppy that she is.
Mostly she gets to lay around on her bean bag and sleep whenever she wants (which is still a lot despite her crazy puppy energy during other hours). But this week I’ve played extra games of fetch with her, bought a better dog food brand she seems to like better, and bought her a new toy she is currently obsessed with. Life is good for little JuJu.
Two Books
I read two books this week: The Hunger Games and then the second book in the seriesCatching Fire. I read each in less than a day (er, like 6 hours straight). I see why people love this series and can’t wait for the movies – it’s good. I was so wrapped up in the second book that when it ended and I had no way to get the third book immediately I caved and went online to find out how the story ends. I’ve never done that before but I just could not wait until I could get the third book.
Three Days of Low Carb Eating
So far I’ve completed 3 days of low carb eating and one day of high carb eating this week. Today is another low carb day so I’m trying to stay on point. It seems like I’m getting it down to around 120-150 g of carbs easily but anything more takes serious work. Even that though is really low for me as I know previously my carb intake was about double that.
Four Awesome Things About This Week
- Good friend’s birthday party tomorrow! Really looking forward to Cambodian food and drinks.
- I had time to read this and thoroughly enjoyed everything I read.
- Actually made it through all my workouts so far and am on schedule!
- Started wearing my new pink laces! :)
Five Questions
I have five questions for YOU. Please answer in the comments to give me some fun learn about my readers material. I’ll answer in the comments too. :)
- What website do you visit the most?
- Where did you eat out at last?
- If you were given $100 right now what would you do with it?
- What is your favorite flavor? (Any flavor… savory or sweet.)
- Do you like your initials?
That’s all for me! I’m off to the gym. :) Have a great weekend!
Answers! :)
1. Probably gmail.
2. McDonald’s the Cafe part of it.
3. Pay to get my passport with my new last name!
4. Cinnamon currently.
5. Nope! My initials spell MAT so even though it’s a word it’s a crappy word.
Oh my word, JuJu is just so precious, I had to leave a comment! Look at that little ear poking up!
What website do you visit the most? Equal tie between Blogger and Facebook
Where did you eat out at last? MoMo Bubble Tea… I feel like it’s the only place I go these days!
If you were given $100 right now what would you do with it? Pay it towards my new running shoes
What is your favorite flavor? BBQ anything
Do you like your initials? No, my last initial is V and it always looks so pointy!
Hehe, JuJu is a cutie. The kids who live near us LOVE HER. She loves them too… she needs mega attention at all times. Haha.
Yum to BBQ!
2. Chipotle
3. Mani/Pedi & new khakis & jeans
4. almond
5. I do! I have friends with the following initials: KFC & ATM.
*Have a fabu weekend, Mary!!
1) Most likely Facebook
2) It was rather hot today, so I had ice cream. Baskin Robbins
3) Save it to buy something for an apartment
4) Cherry…everything! cherry jelly beans and cherry coke (worst sweet tooth ever)
5) I do, but it’s not a big thing to me.
Yum to cherry things… except cherry coke! ;)
Ryan you read my blog! And comment! OMG! Miss you!
Mary, how old is JuJu now? She is looking so much like our Sashi!
What website do you visit the most?
Um… Honestly, probably Facebook, and then after that Bootcamp Buddies WW forum.
Where did you eat out at last?
We went to Berry Star tonight for frozen yogurt.
If you were given $100 right now what would you do with it?
I would put it towards my credit card balance… its pretty much maxed out, sadly.
What is your favorite flavor? (Any flavor… savory or sweet.)
Oranges, or maybe blackberries. Or cream cheese. I can’t decide.
Do you like your initials?
Yeah, DLW is a nice set to have. They are also the same as my Mom’s initials, and I share the same middle (and last) name as my Dad, only mine is spelled different (Leigh & Lee).
She is 4 months now! She seems so big. What breed is Sashi again?
She’s a Rottweiler x German Shepherd (we think) mix. The Rottie part is the only definite… lol. I think you can view her album on Facebook- The youngest pics she was 9 weeks old. Some pics they look a lot alike, some not at alll, but that pic of JuJu in this post, its the facial expression that really gets me. Sashi gives that look all the time!
That link didn’t work. :(
Love JuJu’s beanbag!
I’ve been wondering about the hunger games since it seems to be so popular. Heard anything about a new book series that is all the rage? “Fifty Shades of Grey”??
1. Probably our local news website and my email of course
2. We ate dinner at Chili’s last night and I was bad and got a big ass plate of slider burgers and fries. SIGH
3. Put it towards the maternity clothes I’m going to need soon or pay off some debt
4. I’m a savory eater, so probably CHEESE
5. My initials are KRM…never really thought about whether I like them or not. hmmm, interesting question!
Thanks! It was originally for my office but rarely got used and she likes it so it became her new “bed” instead of getting an actual dog bed. :)
I haven’t heard of that series but now I have to go check it out. I need something for after I finish the last Hunger Games book!
Oh I never thought that about your initials! Now I always will!
Thanks for the hypothetical money. :)
Love you!
Hi Mary,
First time I have commented on a blog. I really enjoy reading yours and in true procastinator style would love to have my own but I just never get around to it! Now on with the questions:
1.What website do you visit the most? – Australian news site. Closely followed by a short list of bloggers (including your good self)
2.Where did you eat out at last?
Would have been a local pub and I had the seafood pasta which was excellent.
3.If you were given $100 right now what would you do with it?
Probably cds. I need to get my little boy some kiddie music.
4.What is your favorite flavor? (Any flavor… savory or sweet.)
Ginger, mostly in sweet stuff.
5.Do you like your initials?
I do actually KLR although I am trying to do away with my middle name so KR is also good.
Hi Karra! Thanks for reading and commenting! I’m honored mine is the first you chose to comment on. :)
Hi Mary!
2. JamieOlivers restaurant in Liverpool
3. A cool Ireland print map on
4. Lemon
5. RT, yep, I’m happy with them.
Hi Rose! :)
JuJu my kind of dog, love her she is looking so comfortable, what’s that they say about a dogs life. Boy to have nothing to worry about but how long do I want to lay here in this nice cozy chair.. Love it!!!
I visit Google most often as I never know where to find anything and it is my helper.
Fresh Slices for our monthly Harley Group meeting.
Buy the best Oil of Olay cream available, love the stuff and it keeps you looking good.
My favorite flavor is vanilla I think, it can be used so many ways to enhance the flavor of almost anything.
My initials LJK yep I love them, I can see that you had no change in yours from Thompson to Tairua and I know you never liked them before. Sorry baby!
Have a great day and love you, looking forward to a great weekend.
Monthly Harley group. Mom you’ve changed so much. Haha! Love you!
That looks like one content pup!
Local pizza place last Saturday
Buy a photo tripod since we only have a video one.
(Any flavor… savory or sweet.) Is chocolate long john a flavor? :-)
Meh, I’m indifferent.
1.) Gmail for sure, then Lose It and Hootsuite
2.) Wendy’s! Hubs and I spit a small fry and two small frostys as a super late dinner last weekend. It was perfection!
3.) A massage, no doubt about that!
4.) I’ve been on a cilantro kick lately. Delicious in almost anything!
5.) Mine used to be ERC which I always loved b/c they’re the same as Eric (Ryan) Clapton’s. My parents raised me on that music! Now that I’m married they’re ERU, which .. meh. :)
I remember when Hurley was a puppy. From ages 3 months to about 5 months he would have these crazy, 15 minute bursts of energy and I could not contain him. Then, just as quickly as it started, it was over. I would hear nothing for a few minutes and begin searching for him, terrified I would find my couch torn up. But no! He was just sleeping! What the hell!
The website I visit the most is gmail. I am on it all day long (please don’t tell my boss). I last ate out at an Italian restaurant when my friends and I had a girls’ night. If I got $100 I would spend it on gas. We’re driving to Seattle next weekend. My favorite flavor is vanilla.
I have never given serious consideration to my initials before just now. I suppose they’re fine. Do you like YOUR initials?
“From ages 3 months to about 5 months he would have these crazy, 15 minute bursts of energy and I could not contain him. Then, just as quickly as it started, it was over.”
That is EXACTLY how JuJu acts. She goes insane with energy for 15-20 minutes then she is out either calmly chewing on a toy or fast asleep. It’s funny really but those crazy energy bursts are intense!
Aah, Hunger Games. I read them while I was down with a cold over Christmas, so I just plowed through them non-stop. Can’t wait for the movie!
1) Facebook. *reload*
2) At our local, dangerously delicious Indian buffet.
3) Buy an outfit I feel confident in.
4) Anything savory!
5) I only have two since middle names aren’t common in Norway. I feel strangely disconnected from my name in general since I prefer the various nicknames people have for me :)
I can’t wait for the movie either! I’m so excited!
It’s funny how some countries don’t do middle names and some do multiple middle names.
I am on book 3 of the Hunger Games series I was hooked from the get go. I don’t plan on seeing the movie as Ia m not a really big movie buff. I like to read the book & then discuss it with someone who has see the movie weird I know lol.
What website do you visit the most?-Gmail. followed Weight Watchers
Where did you eat out at last? sometime last year
If you were given $100 right now what would you do with it? Buy yarn. I am a knitter
What is your favorite flavor? (Any flavor… savory or sweet.) Sweet
Do you like your initials TRC I like them ok I go by my middle name for the most part its what ever body calls me.
What website do you visit the most?
Ugh, facebook. I wish it were a lie. That and my tweetdeck/seesmic app on chrome.
Where did you eat out at last?
Bear Tooth Theatre. They serve you fresh awesome pizzas and salads and nacho’s while watching super cheap movies. We saw Beauty and the Beast in 3D, and only tried to kill 3 of the 18,000 children that were there.
If you were given $100 right now what would you do with it?
buy rainboots. Its coming, folks.
What is your favorite flavor? (Any flavor… savory or sweet.)
Do you like your initials?
Yes, but I wouldn’t mind changing my RL first name to something a little more… flowery.
1) probably gmail.
2) I just got home from my vacation visiting my Dad and Stepmom in Austin, TX, and we had dinner at Matt’s El Rancho last night. I love Tex Mex! :)
3) gosh, $100 would be nice. I would get my hair cut, my eyebrows done, and my nails done :)
4) favorite flavor: toffee
5) my initials are TAF, which is really goofy. I have a friend who likes to call me taffy.
Fun game for a Friday….
1) Google Reader
2) I went to a 50’s diner with a friend last night to share sweet potato fries
3) I would splurge on a pack of hot yoga classes
4) Peanut Butter
5) I like my initials fine, sometimes people call me KC
1 – Probably Facebook because I get so bored at work.
2 – Chapalas! My favorite mexican restaurant, cheap and tasty
3 – $100 right now, good question. Probably these Merrell shoes I have been wanting for a few
years or clip in shoes for my bike.
4 – Does chocolate count? Anything but milk chocolate
5 – I like my initials, if only I owned the NBC network.
JuJu is a doll!
I just finished the second hunger games book the other day too! It took me more than a day..but I was reading more than one book at once. Great books! i have the third one on hold at the library…when I did that the other day there were over 300 people ahead of me in line.. good thing they own more than one copy!
1) I probably visit twitter the most. Or gmail, actually. 2) I last ate out for brunch on Sunday at Fresca, which is a Peruvian place (I think), I had a lobster/shrimp/egg dish that was tasty, and sangria. 3) $100 um I guess I’d just use it towards groceries this wkend. I always spend more than that on them anyway. Or Walgreens lol I have to go there too. That sounds super boring, but unfortunately in SF $100 makes not much of a difference. 4) no particular flavor I like lots of blended flavors, not a big sweet tooth unami or however you say it, is my best taste. 5) Sure, they are MJL.. lol they’re just letters I never cared one way or the other.
Juju is sooooooooooooo cute! Glad you are liking the carb cycling!
1. I mostly visit mail & FB & Pinterest
2. I really don’t eat out except for my treat cookies! :-)
3. I would pay bills with $100
4. Fav flavor – hard one – I like molasses, vanilla & cinnamon – but I like SWEET!
5. I like my initials! Used to hate my middle name when I was young but love it now!
1. Gmail! Or Google in general.
2. Oh geez it’s been a while. I went to dinner with Grampa & my aunt and uncle the night before Grammie passed but didn’t eat because I felt sick…. Before that….. hm…. dinner with Grampa at an Italian restaurant. We split a pizza =)
3. Get an MRI of my lumbar spine and hips!!!!!
4. Just ONE??!?! Ahh I can’t!
5. They used to be SRK and now they’re SRW. I wish they spelled something!
Ah crap I’m in spam =( Saaaave me!
It was in spam :( but I saved you! Hopefully you don’t keep getting put in spam.
1. Tumblr
2. Sushi
3. Get a facial! My skin is out of control lately. :\
4. Cheese, anything salty, pita chips…
5. Yes! I like being KEC.
Missouri Quilt Company
Today, a local tearoom
I’d buy plants to put in the yard or our garden
cinnamon or a combination of fresh herbs
yes, I like my initials okay….really never thought about it
I love that you made this post so interactive! I’ve commented on your food blog before, but this is my first time over here!
1. I am on Gmail all day at work, talking on Gchat (between doing work of course!), which my best friends and I now affectionately refer to as G-Club.
2. I am currently on vacation at the beach in South Carolina (I live in Kentucky) and we got BBQ last night from a restaurant attached to a gas station. Looked and sounded super sketchy, but it was AMAZING!
3. I would put the money in my savings for the new wardrobe I plan on buying when I hit my goal weight (which was 16 lbs away before I left for vacation…hopefully it’s still semi-close to that when I get home!).
4. Favorite flavor is a hard one, but I’d probably have to go with passion fruit. I think that I single-handedly keep our closest grocery running out of that flavor of Chobani Greek yogurt.
5. I actually love my initials! Before I got married last June, they were BAS and now they are BAM. While I do think it’s hilarious that I went from BS to BM (and my family has never-ending bathroom jokes about this), I LOVE that I am now BAM just because it’s so fun!
Also, JuJu is so cute! My Shih-Tzu, Kirby, just turned 2 and still has those crazy puppy moods with bursts of energy followed by a nap where he is practically un-wakeable. I lovingly refer to him as my “little terror.”
BBQ and you are on vacation? Living the life girl!
Kirby is such a cute dog name. :)
Hi Mary! I love your blog, thanks for letting us come along with you on your journey. I got married a couple months before you and I also have a puppy, Buckeye, she is an 8 month English lab. Now for the questions :)
1. Definitely The Daily Mail. I live in CA, not the UK, but I love the website. Real news mixed in with trashy celebrity “news.”
2. California Pizza Kitchen
3. Definitely buy something fun, maybe the Wilton cake decorating kit I have had my eye on…..
4. Anything with sugar!
5. Yes, my friends call me J-LA. Ha! I got married in August and haven’t changed my name yet, mainly because I don’t want to go back to the DMV. Then I will be JLH which, eh, isn’t quite as fun!
Thanks Jena! Good luck getting to the DMV – I’m still putting off all the name changing stuff hehe!
Oh Juju!!!! You are SUCH a cutie!!!! Love reading everyone’s answers…here are mine!
What website do you visit the most?, and
Where did you eat out at last? I had “pared down” eggs benny at a chain here in Vancouver called “Milestones”
If you were given $100 right now what would you do with it? I’d take my husband and I out for a nice dinner
What is your favorite flavor? (Any flavor… savory or sweet.) So tough…today, cheese flavour, tomorrow it’ll be chai tea and the next day maybe asparagus.
Do you like your initials? I used to be RLS, now I’m married and took my husbands name, I’m RLL. I’m on a roll. HA!! silly…
Have a great weekend Mary!!!
What website do you visit the most? Gmail since that’s how I get to my blog reader
Where did you eat out at last? Ihop Tried it for the first time today
If you were given $100 right now what would you do with it? Put my kids in some sort of activity
What is your favorite flavor? It’s tie between banana and maple syrup
Do you like your initials? I don’t really think about my initials so I guess I don’t care lol but they spell RDMPW. Yes I have three middle names.
What website do you visit the most? – Facebook/twitter/MSN
Where did you eat out at last? – A local bar/grill
If you were given $100 right now what would you do with it? Buy a pair of shoes/pay a bill
What is your favorite flavor? (Any flavor… savory or sweet.) I love chocolate.
Do you like your initials? MJN Yes.
1. Facebook
2. A very nice organic restaurant called La Cuccina for lunch today (it’s a holiday over here, so we were out and about).
3. Renew my blog hosting
4. Basil pesto
5. Yes, very much.