Happy, happy Friday!
I’m feeling rather optimistic about things today, even though this has been my face for most of the day.
Five Things I’m Doing Today
- Writing this weekly Friday Five post, duh.
- Working out for an hour after work.
- Painting my fingernails with a pretty color.
- Planning a trip for me and the besties. Cruise time?
- Drinking tea and reading a book in a warm bed.
Five Cold Day Thoughts
- I know I don’t live in Canada or the North anymore, but it still feels cold today I’m inside and I feel cold.
- It’s cold enough that my car didn’t start this morning.
- It’s cold enough that the pipes aren’t working and water won’t flow from some faucets.
- It’s cold enough that my big baby dog won’t stay outside very long.
- It’s cold enough that I’ve got 3 blankets and tea just to be warm.
Bright side: at least it’s not icy!
Five Free Ebooks To Read
- 40 Days to Better Living – Weight Management
- Apple Cider Vinegar Handbook: Old Time Health Remedies, Natural Cures, Simple Recipes, Detox and Dieting Benefits Using Apple Cider Vinegar.
- The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin
- The Pursuit of God
- Home Organization For Stress Free Living: How To Organize Your Home One Day At A Time And Keep It That Way
Enjoy some reading time this weekend!
Five Things I’m Working On
- Controlling anxiety. It’s such a bitch but it’s a bitch I have to learn to live with.
- Not ignoring my body and needs. It’s too easy for me to check out which causes problems.
- Saving mooooney. It’s awesome to be debt free but a fat bank account would be nice too.
- Planning spring activities. Live in Memphis and want to run or bike with me? I’m recruiting.
- Writing food reviews. I’ve tried so many new to me foods over the last few months, keep an eye on my resurrected food blog for those.
I’m working on a lot of other things but these are relevant to the blog. ;)
Five Tumblrs I Love
- georgetakei.tumblr.com – Purveyor of the funniest things online.
- wilwheaton.tumblr.com – Wil Wheaton is cool.
- edwardspoonhands.com – Hank’s tumblr, 1/2 of Vlogbrothers, lots of Nerdfighteria and other awesomeness.
- blogilates.tumblr.com – Cassey’s tumblr, one of the only healthy living ones I follow.
- hitrecordjoe.tumblr.com – Cause I love Joseph Gordon-Levitt and his open collaborative company hitRECord.org.
Tumblr gives me the giggles. And the gifs for texting.
Have a wonderful weekend everyone.
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