The other day I was reminded of the category five typhoon that hit the Philippines last month. My friends with relatives in the Philippines are all coming into town for the holidays so it’s been a topic of conversation. Luckily their families were fine and not horribly devastated but there are still millions of people there trying to recover from the devastation Typhoon Haiyan left in it’s wake.
I have to admit, after the Typhoon hit on November 8th I didn’t think much about it. It was in the news for a couple days and then faded away from the 24 hour news cycle as new stories took over in terms of importance. This happens all the time with disasters yet the recovery doesn’t stop when the news stops.
Anyway, since the typhoon and disaster recovery were on my mind I figured I’d share about it and maybe remind everyone that organizations like UNICEF are still taking donations to help the victims of this disaster. You can donate to Philippines Typhoon Disaster Relief now.
UNICEF pays particular attention to children and there were up to 5 million kids affected by the typhoon, many of whom are still affected right now as the typhoon caused problems with water supply, sanitation, housing, and more. UNICEF launched an emergency response to those problems and has been distributing therapeutic food, health kits and water and hygiene kits.
Donations will help provide immediate relief to families and children affected by the disaster through the distribution of water purification tablets, soap, medical kits, tarpaulins, and micronutrient supplements.
I know I’ve been asking for a lot of donations and pointing out a lot of different charities that need help. It’s one of my personal goals to be more generous and support more causes that directly help people.
It’s also the time of year when people are generous and giving and hopefully these appeals are just a reminder to find something you care about and want to support.
And if you have a bit of extra money please remember the victims of Typhoon Haiyan and Donate to Philippines Typhoon Disaster Relief. People there still have a long way to go and every little bit helps.