I love you people, seriously. The comments and conversations spawned from yesterday’s thoughts on reaching “normal” were amazing and thought provoking. I definitely would go crazy without the wisdom and encouagement you all share with me. Thank you!
I’m feeling very thankful for everything in my life right now. I just finished reading My Sister’s Keeper yesterday and it was just another confirmation of how short and precious life really is. If you have never read the book, consider buying it or going to see the movie version out now. It is a tearjerker but sometimes a message of sadness is needed to show us how many positive things we have just in being alive. Life is such a gift – don’t waste it.
Just because I’m in a grateful mood, I want to make a list of all the things (besides you guys!) that I am so grateful for.
I am grateful for:
- Life. It’s crazy that we wake up every day, make choices, run, play, breathe. How can you not be grateful to be alive?
- My family. They drive me crazy, but I love them. I know when push comes to shove they are the ones who will be there for me.
- Medicine. My back hurts, badly. I messed it up for real today and for the first time in a long time I am grateful that medicine exists to eliminate pain. I don’t take medicine often or without deep thought, and today I’m glad it exists.
- Freedom. July 4th is coming up for us Americans and we will celebrate the freedom we have and love. After watching the people of Iran and other countries struggle for the same privileges we take for granted, I am very grateful that I have the freedom to do what I want.
- Access to clean water. Considering how little we value water, and the way some of us must force ourselves to drink it, I doubt we appreciate the easy access we have to clean water. Millions don’t have this. I’m grateful for this, so I support orgs like charity: water who are working to give this to all people.
- My gym. I love my gym, the people in it, the equipment in it, and what I am able to do there. I am so thankful that my access to it is part of my job and completely free to me. It has changed my life and I am grateful for it.
- Good food. I’m so happy that I can afford (for now) good, healthy food. I think about the crap I could be eating and feel lucky to have access to good food without restriction.
- Opportunity. This might be the thing I am most grateful for, especially now that I am leaving everything I know behind to move and try something new. I am amazed that I have the opportunity to do this and excited about what kind of opportunities I will find in my future.
What about you guys? Ever have those moments where you just sit and think, WOW, what did I do to deserve all this? Moments of complete gratitude are few and far between. I hope you have a few of those moments and you think about some of the great things that you are grateful to have in your life.
Monica says
Hi! It sounds silly but Im grateful for having a nice bed to sleep in and for cold showers after a hard work out! I guess those are luxory gratitudes lol.
Monica’s last blog post..A Clean Slate…
Merry Mary says
Luxury gratitudes are the best ones. And the cold shower after a hard workout? LOVE that.
Art says
I am thankful because I have an amazing job that pays me well enough to live. Sure, I am in massive debt, but I am working on it.
I am thankful, because I have some absolutely amazing friends. Without them, I don’t know how I would have made it through Rachel bailing.
I am thankful for my gym as well. It’s a sick place. I love it.
I am thankful for my blogging friends, who motivate me and make me think about things that I otherwise wouldn’t. You are definitely included in that group, Mary. One of my favorites.
I am thankful for love. There is nothing in the world that is better.
Art’s last blog post..My legs hurt.
Seaward says
It very good thing that your thinking against life very positive. Your word that life is very short don’t wast it is very admirable. your list is also very impressive.
South Beach Steve says
Mary, what a great post. We would all be better off if we would stop and count our blessings a little more often. Thanks for the reminder.
South Beach Steve’s last blog post..Day 352 – Halfway There (2009) & A Little Link Love
Hanlie says
I’m grateful for the internet too! And I’m grateful that I have weight to lose, instead of starving to death… But most of all I’m grateful that I have choices in life and the ability to learn to make good ones.
Great post!
Hanlie’s last blog post..Chick Pea Burgers
Holly says
I found your blog and I wanted to say congratulations on your weight loss! You have a very healthy attitude about it all, and it’s very admirable. Slow and steady seems to be the best way to keep off weight, and you’re doing amazingly!
I read My Sister’s Keeper on vacation last year – big mistake as my eyes were swollen for a couple days! I’m disappointed that the movie has gotten bad reviews; supposedly it ends very differently from the book? Ah well, I’m still going to see it. :-)
Today I am grateful for loyal friends and family, my cozy bed, caffeine (!), and short work weeks.
Holly’s last blog post..Monkey See, Monkey Do
Yum Yucky says
I’m thankful for my Internet friends who unknowingly helped me to crawl out of my shy shell and become outgoing. It’s beginning to translate into an outgoing personality in my face to face relationships with people and this is truly amazing! I like who I’m becoming!
Thank you, People! :~D
Yum Yucky’s last blog post..Chick-fil-A Cheat Sheet and the Angus Burger
Merry Mary says
It seems we are all grateful for each other! Love. :)
@Yum Yucky
You are so awesome! I’m glad that you are changing and becoming more outgoing in real life. :) I hope I get to meet you soon!
Sagan says
All the time! Life is really amazing. We’ve got it GOOD.
That’s a great list you’ve got.
Sagan’s last blog post..Poll: What kind of lifestyle diets have you tried?
Fran says
Love your blog!
Today I started reading a book from a Dutch writer called: the girl with the 9 wigs which is about a 21-year-old girl who’s got a very agressive kind of cancer and she survived. While reading I thought that I was grateful that I’m healthy and that I will keep on working to losing weight because that is even better for my health.
There are so many things I’m grateful for, I’m a lucky girl!
wildfluffysheep says
yay *high fives* to such positivity! Great post. Great list.
I heard thats a pure tearjerker that book… never been a fan of the weepies
I am off to make a list of my own…..
wildfluffysheep’s last blog post..advice and early mornings…
Lisa says
GREAT list! Can I add your site to mine?
Lisa’s last blog post..Went swimming today – fat rolls and all
Jody - Fit at 51 says
You are amazing! REALLY!
I am grateful for a wonderful husband that puts up with me!!! :-)
AND, I am grateful for just being alive after a week filled with deaths in the news.
Jody – Fit at 51’s last blog post..Glute (Butt!) Training Outdoors
Biz says
Love this post – its how we chose to look at life that makes all the difference. I have a friend who just dwells on everything negative, instead of being thankful that she lives in a 300,000+ home, has a healthy daughter, has a job and is able to put food on her table!
Love your positive attitutude!
Biz’s last blog post..Soup and Salad!
Merry Mary says
Sounds like a book I would like, I might check it out.
Of course! I would be honored!
Aww, thanks. Definitely a lot of deaths lately, which is a great remind of how precious and AWESOME life is.
Ha, it is all about perspective. That’s why they say money doesn’t buy happiness. It makes it easier, sure, but if you never look at anything positively or feel you have enough then it won’t be.
Kimberly says
It might sound cliche, but I’m grateful for my husband. He’s the most wonderful, supportive, challenging and encouraging partner I could imagine. He loves me for me, and saw the true “me” when it was hidden under a layer of excess body fat.
Great post – It’s important to sit and think about all the things that you’re grateful for. Thanks for reminding me to do that.
Kimberly’s last blog post..I Didn’t
Annie says
Being grateful resort to positive outcome, that sometime until the end of the day you will attract it.