Today my family is celebrating Festivus. For real. My younger brother decided that this year we will celebrate the Seinfield created holiday the right way. He put up Festivus signs, a Festivus pole, my mom is making a Festivus meal, and later we will have feats of strength and the airing of grievances. I just can’t wait. Ha. (Too be honest it is quite funny and I’m laughing the whole day long.)
Tomorrow I will be posting my super duper talent video for MizFit’s Virtual Talent Show. I’m excited and you should be tooo!
And then I’m taking a couple days off from blogging but I’ll be back by Sunday with a weigh in to assess the damage of this week with multiple parties and Holiday celebrations (*cough*festivus*cough*). It probably won’t be a loss this week but I’m okay with that. Weight loss this time of year is hard. I’m just ready for this week to be over!
This is what I think of holidays:
Hehe. They are a little frustrating, but honestly it isn’t too bad. Right? Right?!?! We will all survive. ;) Maybe not the airing of grievances, but the rest is pretty easy peasy.
Next week I’m blogging about this year. That’s right – reflection time! I think it is important to take some time at the end of the year to look back at the lessons you’ve learned, the things you’ve done. I’ve had a lot of crazy stuff happen this year and I’ve learned a lot so I’m looking forward to writing those posts and sharing everything I’ve done. Stay tuned for those posts.
And if you are going to be on vacation and not online – enjoy it! I’m jealous of everyone going on vacation this time of year. But then again I will be hitting the road soon myself.
But now I’m off to go eat turkey and red velvet cupcakes, because apparently that is how my brother has decided we shall celebrate Festivus. Maybe I will sneak a little salad in there too. You know, to be all healthy like. We will see. Oh holiday fun!
Have a good one everyone! Happy Festivus!
Happy Holidays! See you in the New Year.
Red Velt Cupcakes? OM NOM NOM!!!
.-= Tony´s last blog ..Tense =-.
Happy Festivus!
.-= Fat[free]Me´s last blog ..Great Walks and a Surprising NSV (probably not for the men) =-.
TOO FUNNY!!!! Love it! Can’t wait to see your tomorrow post AND next week.
I don’t know how to do the video stuff yet but I will be joining in tomorrow with some fun!
Enjoy your Festivus! My in-laws are Seinfeld fans and oh how I wish they celebrated so I could air my book o’ grievances! HA!! Hope you have a wonderful holiday and poo on the scale. (Not literally) This week is like maintenance week. I think only freaks of nature lose this week! (I’d love to be one but I don’t think that’s gonna happen. If it does, I shall report back!)
Merry Christmas and looking forward to your reflection blog! I told your man that today is my honey and I’s 18th dating anniversary (the day we first said I love you) and he may want to note it. I think it’s fun celebrating little stuff like that. Makes you remember why you fell in love in the first place! :)))
I love Seinfield. I’m not sure I’m looking forward to my brother’s grievances, but I think it might be more humorous than anything else. :)
Awww, that’s sweet. Happy 18th dating anniversary! Hehe. :) I’ll remember to keep that in mind for fun celebrations!
Happy Festivus! Best of luck enjoying everything in moderation! Just don’t overdo it… can’t wait to hear how you made out. :)
Jennifer Gardener
You are just so awesome M! and I feel exactly the same way about the holidays!! (the pic is kick ass :-) HAPPY FESTIVUS to you & your family dearest! Can’t wait to meet you in March!!!!! xoxo
.-= Jacqueline Carly´s last blog ..The Sweet Stuff =-.
Turkey and red velvet cupcakes sound like the perfect Festivus meal.
Mary — I think your picture is staged. I so do NOT believe that you actually look like that right now.
Also, Happy Festivus! Red velvet cupcakes are my FAVORITE. Cream cheese frosting? Red sprinkles? Mmmmmm.
You’re having red velvet cupcakes? Dang… oh well, I can always add them to the list for next year. :)
Happy holidays, festivus included!
AH! you’re kind of like my new best friend. LOVE FESTIVUS.
.-= Ambrella´s last blog ..this is the POLICE =-.
I can’t wait to hear how your Festivus is. That’s so cute. Happy Holidays, Mary!
.-= Sagan´s last blog ..Day 24 of the 200 Reps Challenge =-.
I wanna red velvet cupcake!
Happy Festivus!!!!
.-= Steve´s last blog ..Happy Holidays! =-.
Merry, Happy Festivus for the rest of us to you too.
I was totally impressed with your eyeball video and think you might need an agent after the festivus festivities die down.
.-= POD´s last blog ..Cooking a Life =-.
Great stuff! I love post like these always makes my day a lot better. Will be following you in the future.
Happy Holidays to you and your family as well! I love that photo with Arthur from the King of Queens :D
.-= Joey Logano Fan´s last blog ..Joey Logano On NASCAR Race Hub =-.