I’m watching Gossip Girl right now. I love watching this show for some strange reason. Its about super skinny, amazingly beautiful, filthy rich teenagers that have everything they could ever want and more. Yeaaaah, cause I can relate to that.
But here is the thing – its not about comparing my life to theirs. Sure its silly to compare my life to tv characters. But there are people in real life that I can just as easily compare myself to. Actresses, models, cheerleaders, professional athletes, women with bodies that are what many would call perfect and lives that most of us envy. I could go to bed every night wishing that I was as cool, as beautiful, as lucky as they are or I can spend my time being the best that I can be.
I LOVE the new gatorade campaign with the “Kevins.”
One (the famous basketball player) says:
I’ve never been handed a pink slip.
I’ve never been afraid to tell my wife we might not make the mortgage.
I’ve never used a backstroke as a coping mechanism.
I’ve never searched for answers wearing swim trunks and goggles.
But I have tried as hard as I can to be the best that I can.
One (the recreational swimmer) says:
I’ve never been called “The Big Ticket.”
I’ve never been so poor that I had to fill the holes in my sneakers with cardboard.
I’ve never had to raise my little sister while I was trying to raise my game.
I’ve never helped add another banner to the rafters.
But I have tried as hard as I can to be the best that I can.
Its about being the best you can be, not about comparing yourself to someone else that you think has a better situation in life.
Negative comparison is the beginning of all evil in my opinion. It makes us feel inadequate and leaves room for dissatisfaction with life that we otherwise wouldn’t feel. We are all different, all unique, yet for some reason we want to all be the same. We want to be one ideal “perfect” type that we see in movies and magazines. We have idealized youth, beauty, and thinness so much that as women it is almost impossible not to compare ourselves to other women regarding these factors.
But I try. I try not to think about myself in regards to how I compare with other people. I do a very good job with it because it is a lesson I learned a long time ago. If I had not learned how to live my own life and not compare myself with my gorgeous athletic best friend I would be a miserable girl. Instead I try as hard as I can to be the best that I can.
kristisummer says
great post. you are so right. don’t compare yourself to anyone. too much time and energy wasted.
kristisummer’s last blog post..A Stroll through the Park
Irene says
I think there is more honor in trying the be the best “us” than trying to be someone else. Accepting who you are is one of the most empowering things.
Irene’s last blog post..Veggie Tales
MamaBearJune says
Awesome attitude. It’s all we can ever do – to be the best we can be.
MamaBearJune’s last blog post..Healthy You Challenge Check In
Twix says
I have never seen this commercial but I like the message! Striving to be the best we can, cheers! :D
Twix’s last blog post..Merry Tuesday!
Jill says
Ok. This has to be the BEST thing I read today. Absolutely the BEST. Thank you for sharing it – it makes me feel better about looking at others and somehow wishing their ‘perfectness’ could just melt onto me, but then realizing how very stupid that is, and knowing all I can do is be the best I can be. Nice job, sharing that with all of us.
Merry Mary says
Aww shucks Jill. Thanks. I’m glad it helped you.
Cammy@TippyToeDiet says
I love this post, and I love that ad! It’s great to try to incorporate into our lives the admirable traits of others, but I think we sometimes get misdirected and focus on having those results rather than putting in that effort.
Cammy@TippyToeDiet’s last blog post..When Cookies Attack
Elizabeth says
Great Post! I too love gossip girls and those new gatorade commercials. How I wish I looked like Blake Lively! But I know, that that will never happen-its just not in my genes! I really need to work on not negative comparing-i feel like its such a normal part of our society and difficult to retrain yourself. This was a great post and the glamour article was lovely!!
Elizabeth’s last blog post..Good Food Causes