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I am still not back on track after the holidays and my vacation. While I was on that silly vacation I let my guard down and started eating the junk I used to eat. Since then I have not been able to stop and get back to eating healthy foods. Once I let go of the healthy eating it floated farther and farther away from my grasp until I am now sitting here realizing that for the 3rd day in a row I ate way over my daily points because most of what I ate was not even worth eating.
I feel quite miserable. I know that I feel this way because of the food I have been eating. My body feels and functions much better when I eat clean. When I eat healthier less processed foods my body appreciates it. Since I haven’t been doing that over the last week and a half my body feels tired, sluggish, heavy… everything you don’t want to feel on a daily basis. And because I feel bad physically I also feel bad mentally.
Despite feeling so bad it is like I can’t stop myself. I have been giving into cravings and forgetting everything that I know about making healthy choices. I will think about eating something healthy then immediately allow the thoughts of junk food to crowd those thoughts out. The bad choices have won out every time in the last week. I know that I am not really enjoying this and it is hurting my body, but I don’t know how to stop myself.
So I’ve eaten cake and chips and all things yummily disgusting. I’ve ignored my salad stuff, veggies, and fruit. They sit in the fridge unused and going bad because I have abandoned them. My weight is steadily climbing because of this. Someone suggested a water weight gain for my last weigh in, but I know its because of this eating problem I have. I know that my eating has more to do with my weight than anything else.
My last quote post was: Rule your mind or it will rule you. I posted that one because it aptly describes my biggest struggle right now. I am allowing my mind, or some small part of it, to control all my actions contrary to what I really want. I don’t have control over my mind, my thoughts, my eating. I am not ruling my mind, but letting it rule me.
I remember once that someone said people who are fat are just mentally weak. I am not sure I entirely agree with that statement, but right now it feels like truth. I am not mentally strong right now. I am not standing up to the cravings and temptations like I once was but instead am giving in to them and allowing them to control me. I need to stop. I need to control my own mind and what I put in my mouth. I need to climb back on that healthy eating wagon right this minute.
Merry Mary says
Cammy says
Awww, I’m sorry you’re struggling. Just remember that it’s just a rough patch, and not your fate.
Do you think it might work to focus on conquering the problem meal by meal? Maybe start with getting a healthy breakfast in for a few days, then work in healthy lunches, and so on. Or don’t worry about the meals so much as the between meal stuff. (I do better fighting one battle at a time. :))
No matter what, you WILL get through this. KNOW that.
Cammy’s last blog post..Spokesmodel for Hire
Merry Mary says
I know this is just a bump in the road and that is what is making it okay. I know I don’t like the place I am at right now so I will go back to the things that made me feel better.
I think you have a great idea with focusing on one battle at a time. I might try that this week and start with healthy breakfasts. It might be easier to ease back into things by just doing one things for a while then adding another and another. That how I started out so thats probably how I should restart.
Cyd says
Ohhhh I am so with you, girl! My fall off the wagon was brutal and now, in January, it is painful! I’m doing ok getting back with it, but I need to ramp it up. I know exactly what it feels like to KNOW you’re making a poor decision, but to make it anyway for reasons you can’t even explain. *sigh* At any rate, I just found your blog and I will definitely be around! Best of luck this week!
Cyd’s last blog post..The Beginning: A Really Nice Place to Start