Went to the farmer’s market this weekend. Took a few pics that you can see on my flickr account. Sooo much squash! Definitely must be in season. I will have to learn how to cook it.
I joined (rejoined?) sparkpeople to track my food. I am mostly doing this through their iphone app. I think this might work well since I can do it from my computer at work or from wherever I happen to be with my phone. You can check out my sparkpeople page and see my shared food log here (and see the candy I ate yesterday).
Found an absolutely brilliant recipe website: www.supercook.com where you input the ingredients you have and it gives you recipes based on that info! I love it because I have such trouble with recipes because I am always missing ingredients! This site is great.
That’s it! Just a few quick things to share. I’m being terribly lazy today but I am headed to the gym in a bit for at least 30 minutes of cardio. Must beat down the lazy feelings!
KCLAnderson (Karen) says
Thought I’d check in with you today :-) I like the idea of supercook.com and will definitely check it out. Another cool site like it is http://www.epicurious.com...
I’m being lazy too but am about to hit the road for a walk :-)
Connie @ Fat2HotMommy says
I can’t wait for our farmer’s market to get started! I’ve spent some time at Spark People before and I like their food tracking…I didn’t know they had an iPhone application. Thanks for the tip!
Have a great week!
Connie @ Fat2HotMommy’s last blog post..If The Shoe Fits….
Miz says
Im GIGGLING that you say youre being lazy and in the same breath say youre headed to the gym for cardio :)
Have a great monday—
Miz’s last blog post..Willpower OR Willingness (video post).
Kim says
Hi Mary,
Thanks for your recent comment on my blog. I’m on sparkpeople too, so I’ll find and friend you.