After I wrote a post about how to stop eating sugar when I cut sugar out of my diet temporarily I received a lot of visitors interested in doing the same thing or going further and eliminating sugar forever. For many of us sugar is a crutch that in affect ruins our lives via addiction.
If you want to overcome that and stop eating sugar you should check out the following books that will help you. These books are all about how to stop eating sugar and regain control of your life.
Books That Will Help You Stop Eating Sugar
Potatoes Not Prozac: Solutions for Sugar Sensitivity
This book pretty much changed my life and my outlook on how I eat. It’s clear, simple, and worth reading.
Amazon book description: “You’re not lazy, self-indulgent, or undisciplined. Many people who suffer from sugar sensitivity don’t even know it — and they continue to consume large quantities of sweets, breads, pasta, or alcohol. These foods can trigger exhaustion or low self-esteem, yet their biochemical impact makes those who are sugar sensitive crave them even more. This vicious cycle can continue for years, leaving sufferers overweight, fatigued, depressed, and sometimes alcoholic.
Dr. Kathleen DesMaisons came up with the solution and published it in her revolutionary book Potatoes Not Prozac. It gave you the tools needed to overcome sugar dependency, including self-tests and a step-by-step, drug-free program with a customizable diet designed to change your brain chemistry. But now, armed with a decade of further research and patient feedback, Dr. DesMaisons has improved her groundbreaking plan to make it even more effective and easier to follow. Join the thousands who have successfully healed their addiction to sugar, lost weight, and attained maximum health and well-being by using this updated, innovative plan.”
This is a great book with helpful strategies to follow for cutting back on sugar.
Amazon book description: “The No-Fail Plan to Beating Sugar Addiction!
With one-third of our calories coming from sugar and white flour added to processed foods, sugar addiction is a rapidly growing epidemic. However, unlike other addictions, going “cold turkey” won’t fix it. In this groundbreaking book, nationally recognized physician Dr. Jacob Teitelbaum uncovers four types of sugar addiction and gives a step-by-step plan for resolving their underlying causes, breaking sugar cravings forever, and achieving dramatically improved health and energy levels—while also making it easier to lose weight!”
The Sugar Addict’s Total Recovery Program
Amazon book description: “Following in the tracks of her Potatoes Not Prozac, nutrition expert DesMaisons serves up a practical and promising dietary plan for sugar addicts, which revolves around several basic tenets: no sugar, moderate amounts of complex carbohydrates, more protein, regular meals and a nightly potato. (Eating potatoes enables tryptophan to enter the bloodstream, which increases production of the brain chemical serotonin, which, in turn, boosts optimism, creativity and the ability to concentrateAkey factors, DesMaisons avers, in maintaining a healthy diet.) Using biochemistry to alter mood and cure sugar cravings is DesMaisons’s primary goal, and she maintains that the best way to redirect a sugar-sensitive makeup is to deal with the sugar addiction step by step. To that end, she offers an accessible diet that allows dairy (butter on the potato is allowed!), meat and plenty of whole grains. The book includes menus and recipes (including some creative ways to fix “Mr. Spud”), tips on what to order when dining out or when eating on the run and a list of foods containing “covert” sugar. DesMaisons guides readers graduallyAalbeit with some repetitionAthrough her plan This is a sensible approach that will surely tempt sugar lovers hoping to find a natural, long-range solution to their addiction, and ultimately change their lives.“
Sugar Shock!: How Sweets and Simple Carbs Can Derail Your Life– and How YouCan Get Back on Track
Amazon book description: “A provocative expose of the negative effects of sugars and simple carbs-and how to break the addiction.
Most readers already know that succumbing to sweets too often can lead to obesity and diabetes. What many don’t know, however, is that too many “quickie carbs” can bring on a host of other maladies-such as “brain fog,” fatigue, mood swings, heart disease, and even cancer-from which millions may be suffering because of their sugar or carbohydrate habits. Once besieged by 44 seemingly unconnected symptoms, former “sugar addict” Connie Bennett, an experienced journalist, managed to kick sweets and simple carbs in 1998. She improved her health-and uncovered extensive medical research that substantiated her theory: people who eat too many low-caliber culprit carbs could be in sugar shock. Based on the insights of thousands of physicians, nutritionists, researchers, and “sugar sufferers” worldwide, SUGAR SHOCK!(tm) not only addresses how badly sugar affects the body, it demonstrates how everyone can kick the sugar habit.”
Get the Sugar Out: 501 Simple Ways to Cut the Sugar Out of Any Diet
Amazon book description: “Avoiding sugar is the easiest, safest, and most permanent way to stay slim” is the bold promise nutritionist Ann Louise Gittleman makes in her book Get the Sugar Out. Gittleman, who also authored Beyond Pritikin, gives the hard facts about why refined sugar contributes to weight gain, mood swings, weak immunity, diabetes, and more. Low-fat diets, the book claims, frequently let people down, because manufactured fat-free foods often contain more sugar than their full-fat counterparts! Don’t be fooled, though: ridding your diet of sugar will not be an easy task. The 501 tips provided in the book may seem rather daunting at times. Luckily, Gittleman doesn’t expect you to incorporate all of them into your life. She notes, “Even if you incorporate only one-tenth of the tips in this book, you’re sure to reduce the sugar in your diet and change your life in a positive and noticeable way.” So even if you find it’s too difficult to give up your diet sodas, you can still improve your health by learning all the names sugar hides under (including tongue twisters such as xylitol, sorghum syrup, mannitol, and maltodextrin) and avoiding products that contain them. Some of Gittleman’s suggestions, though, are not only simple, but fun. For example, you can substitute frozen grapes, raspberries, and blueberries for hard candy. This easy-to-read book even has 50 delicious recipes (how about Peanut Butter Muffins or “Gone Nutty” Frozen Bananas?) and a week’s menu to get you started. So if you’re ready to get going on “a satisfying, high-energy, low-sugar regimen,” this just may be the book for you.”
The Craving Cure: Break the Hold Carbs and Sweets Have on Your Life
Amazon book description: “Excessive consumption of sugar in all its forms–including simple carbohydrates, caffeine, alcohol–can lead to weight problems, fatigue, anxiety, depression, and other mental and physical disorders. Whatever you are craving weakness, this book will give you the knowledge and techniques you need to overcome it.
The Craving Cure will help you
- Understand the psychological and physical basis of food addictions
- Use affirmations, imagery, and relaxation techniques to overcome your addictions
- Develop a healthier, more satisfying lifestyle–without feeling deprived–through the author’s two-week detox program”
Amazon book description: “In this powerful and informative guide, Holistic Food Therapist Kelly Genzlinger, CNC, CMTA explains how sugar and refined carbohydrate dependency is not your fault, but stems from impaired biochemistry. She insightfully provides a series of steps to naturally improve neurotransmitter imbalances and to finally change your eating habits, feel better emotionally and physically, and get free from sugar addiction.”