Right now I’m feeling really good about myself and my decisions. I’m a tiny bit scared too, but that only lets me know that this is a great decision. I’m really excited about driving across the country and living in Oregon for a while. I’m really excited that a few bloggers are letting me stay with them and hopefully I’ll get to meet a few others.
But apparently there is a lot you need to do before you take off to drive across the US. Who knew? And here I was procrastinating by reading blogs. Turns out I don’t want to do all the work you need to do before you drive across the country. Like packing. And finding my route. And making snacks. Oooh, that part sounds fun.
Okay, so I have figured out the way I’m going. Because a few nice bloggers are giving me places to stay I’ve figured out the route I’m going. For the most part, that’s done. Packing will be easy enough since I don’t own much. I can just throw it all the car. Literally everything I own can fit in my car. Maybe even just in my trunk. Like I said, it’s not much. So those things are done.
What else needed to be prepared?
Oh yes, snacks.
I’m not going to make this roadtrip at a breakneck speed since I have no reason to do so. I’m not under a deadline or anything, and Shannon who I’m staying with in Utah has already talked me into staying to “get my butt kicked” and “see the sights” of Salt Lake City. Doesn’t that sound fun? Haha. At least with the fitnessy blogging friends I have I know I’ll get at least one or two workouts in during the trip. But because I’m taking a few days to do it, I was wondering how I should approach the food situation.
I really, really do not want to eat fast food for four or five days straight.
So I want to gather up as much food as I can and take my car full of snacktastic goodness to the West Coast. But I’m not sure what to bring. I don’t actually buy much snack food normally, so I don’t know what would work well. I also don’t want to spend a ton of money (always a concern) so I’m trying to figure out the best way to get enough stuff that will stop me from hitting up fast food joints, and keep me fed and happy.
Usually when I travel I’m flying, so it’s not much of an issue. But for some reason the road trip is a whole new beast that I’ve never done solo. I’ve got a few ideas for food options, but I’m open to suggestions on how to stay healthy while driving so much.
Have you taken a road trip before? What did you bring? What did you eat? What are your favorite snacks for a long trip?
Home made trail mix is my staple, almonds, pumpkin seeds, raisins, sunflower seeds, etc.. No fridge needed and I put them in those tiny snack bags to keep the portion control. Apples and other fruit that doesn’t need the fridge. Hmmm, what else. I like Kashi granola bars too, homemade muffins. Those are my go to’s for the road (and for always really) And about a 1000 bottles of water.
Good for you btw. Sometimes a girl’s gotta do, etc. etc. I think everyone’s too young to spend a minute someplace they shouldn’t be. I’ll give you a wave while you drive by.
.-= Rita @ The Giggly Bits´s last blog ..What if? =-.
For my road trips (including moving from Indiana to Arizona)
-Beef Jerky! (seriously, you have to chew it FOREVER and it helps satisfy the munchie urge)
-Bread/peanut butter/jelly – make your own sammie on the side of the road (you could use lunch meat as well depending on refrigeration/coolers/personal preference)
-Trail mix/nuts/dried fruit – hits the spot and is easy to eat while driving
-Fruit – especially relatively sturdy ones -bananas, oranges, apples
-Veggies – baby carrots, cut up celery, cucumbers, or peppers
-Something caffeinated
-Granola bars/protein bars – something that makes a tolerable breakfast, especially paired with milk or OJ
-And my secret shame of road trips – Little Debbie Cakes. I normally have to have my husband ration these for me but those little devils make it into the car for all road trips.
Haha, that’s kinda my secret shame too. If I’m not OVERLY PREPARED, I will buy those at gas stations. Even though they are crap for you, I like to eat them.
Why am I not surprised that everyone wants you to stop in their home towns to hang out?! When The Girl and I moved back to Boston from Washington State, we made the drive. It was tiring, but therapeutic and awesome all at the same time (even though we were transporting two cats in a huge dog crate — I am sure you can guess what the drawback was there). We try to go on one road trip a year and every time we do, we always pack a cooler! Lunch meats, cheese, fruit, yogurt, etc, etc. Anything that comes in or can be divided into servings and can be kept with a few ice packs is game. Since you’re stopping at a few places, you could even prepare some meals ahead of time and pack them away in a cooler. Yes, Mary. I see supermarket trips in your future.
Good luck! I am so excited for you!
.-= Rachel´s last blog ..Something > Nothing =-.
I wish I could visit everyone! Seriously!
I envision some supermarket trips coming up. hurray! Haha. I’ve gotta find a cooler somewhere.
.-= Lynn C´s last blog ..That woman who isn’t me =-.
I agree with everyone’s suggestions. Fruit, veggies, a cooler for cold things like yogurt and such. I usually rely on fruit, protein bars, and fiber bars during road trips. They keep my tummy happy. I also bring a can or two of the low-carb Monster drink. Driving long distances can make me a bit tired so the energy drinks help a little.
.-= Gina´s last blog ..Broad Street Run: Race Recap =-.
Hehe, let me know if you’re ever in D.C. before you go to N.Z. Crunchy salty things tend to work best for me. I love my Quaker chewy granola bars because they’ve got nuts and grains and also a hint of chocolate to take the edge off. For me its usually a box of those and a bag of Baked lays, and LOTS of water. Avoid anything like Peanut butter that coats your mouth and leaves an aftertaste.
.-= Lauren´s last blog ..Weekly Weigh-in #7, Weekend Warriors, and Boredom Busters =-.
I take alot of road trips – staples I take with me are…nuts, hummus, cut up veggies, washed strawberries and water! Oh don’t forget to get your oil changed and check your tires! Have fun – I love, love road trips!!
On my last road trip I was doing low-carb and brought: string cheese, cut colored peppers, grape tomatoes, roasted chickpeas, homemade beef jerky, peanuts, water, and lots of gum. The old me ate candy on the road:(
.-= WaistingTime´s last blog ..Over-Analysizing Overeating =-.
Nuts, fruits, beef jerky, apple chips. Do you have a cooler that you can restock with ice along the way? if so things like string cheese and yogurt and cut up veggies. Then get something salty like popchips for that salt craving, I always crave salt on road trips for some reason. Also stock up on things like water before you go they are so overpriced at gas stations especially the ones on lonely stretches of interstate.
Have fun!
.-= Alison´s last blog ..Writing it all down =-.
I agree with everyone else here- lots of bottled water, raw almonds, turkey or beef jerky, small cooler with carrot sticks, celery, grape tomatoes, cucumbers, string cheese. Drive safe!!!
Drive across America then alllllllll the waaaaaaaaaaay to england!
I love what everyone has said some on thing i love is string cheese and triscuts!!!
The thing with road trips is that after a while your stomach is full, but you still need to keep awake and chewing is helpful. So My Hero prefers sunflower seeds in the shell. I like gum or mints.
Good luck and drive safe! There are lunatics on the road, you know.
.-= Physicallee Fit´s last blog ..Would You Prefer the Sexy Salsa, the Romantic Rumba, or the Sassy Samba? =-.
Road trip food:
First, get a cooler. Even a Styrofoam cooler, but get a cooler. Then pack:
Cut up veggies & hummous
Almond butter & jelly sandwiches
Cut up fruit or bite size fruit (grapes, etc.)
Luna/protein bars
String cheese
Laughing Cow Cheese
Instead of stopping at fast food places, stop at grocery stores. If you stock up once every day or two, you won’t run out of healthy options and you’ll end your road trip without having gained a ton of weight.
Good luck!
.-= SeattleRunnerGirl´s last blog ..Writing About Life versus Living Life =-.
I drove from Boston to the West Coast and back over 6 1/2 weeks the summer after I graduated from college (with my BF at the time) It definitely was a budget trip (our lunch of choice on the road was to split the McDonald’s 2 cheeseburger meal – in 1992 I think it was $2.50!) I definitely found that McDonald’s had the most reliably clean bathrooms (really, I sware!)
But I definitely agree if you can get a small cooler that would help.
We drank all water except if we were real tired, we’d drink some soda
Trail mix
Cereal and milk
I like the ideas of string cheese, hummus and crackers. Also throw some Vitatops in there (though not very budget friendly)
But I also had a rule of no eating in the car (I had recently lost 20 lbs and was concerned about gaining a ton on this trip) – 1) I actually lost a couple pounds on the trip and 2) It forced us to pull over at regular intervals to rest, stretch our legs.
I ususally stop at McDonalds for bathrooms. I totally agree with you on cleanliness. I just don’t want to eat there. ;)
I’m going to snack in the car but main meals are definitely stop, stretch, walk a bit times. ;)
Pretzels. Peanut Butter & Jam with some bread. Bars (granola, Fiber One, special K). Bake some kale chips and tortillas to make your own tortilla chips, throw them in a bag and you’re off! If not, tortilla chips are still good on their own. Saltines! Pita bread.
If you’ve got a cooler:
Deli meat + cheese.
Almond butter.
Wohoo! Drive safely and have fun :) Take lots of pictures.
.-= Jess´s last blog ..Day 93: Heal the Bay 5K =-.
I semi-regularly make overnight treks in my car to various parts of the country so if you need help with anything at all, shoot me an email. I know that you asked about snacks, but some really important things (non food related) I’ve learned are as follows: Get your oil changed! It will give you better gas mileage and will be worth the price of doing it whether you are to that point or not. Fill your washer fluid. I will never forget the night that I ran out of washer fluid in a snow storm on one of the passes in Oregon. Scariest thing ever. Spare tire… enough said. If you don’t have AAA, get it, it’s worth it.
My favorite snacks are sugar snap peas and cherry tomatos. If you eat bulky or sugary things while you are driving long distances, you’ll start to feel blech fast. Sticking with veggies is your best bet for feeling best and being the most alert.
.-= Kendra´s last blog ..Weight Loss Distractions – "Weight Loss Is Over Rated" =-.
Thanks for those tips! I am getting my oil changed before I leave and I already have AAA. But I totally would have forgot about washer fluid. Thanks! :)
I have not taken a road trip in a while but when I did, I brought a cooler with water/soda along with sandwiches, snacks good for driving (as I was driving alone). I only would eat one meal out. I used to drive from my home in Boston to Illinois, where I went to college.
.-= Jen´s last blog ..Hard Work Did Not Pay Off =-.
What an adventure. Can’t wait to get updates from the road
Hey Mary – I don’t know if you got my Tweet w/ my email address or not. I can’t DM you on Twitter bcuz you’re not following me! Not sure if you got my Tweet, but I saw you didn’t get my contact page note. My email is ewies84@yahoo.com and we look forward to having you stay with us!
Travel food: I always use a small cooler and pack it with those re-freezable blue pouch thingies. I tote string cheese, bananas or grapes, Justins Nut Butter travel pouches, cut up veggies and ranch dressing, sandwiches or tortilla wraps, hummus, trail mix or nuts/seeds of some sort, and water. Lots of water.
.-= Erin´s last blog ..Promises, Promises =-.
I’m so excited!!!
I love roadtrips… especially solo ones! I always bring a cooler with tons of water, ziplock bags with grapes and carrots. Nuts and seeds to snack on while driving. I also love jollyranchers on the road.
.-= shelly´s last blog ..Birthday Dinner =-.
I took a month-long road trip last year (southwest US, LA, San Francisco) and thoroughly enjoyed myself! For car and room snacks, I took apples, bananas, almonds, pretzels, pumpkin seeds, etc. I figured out after my Florida road trip last year that other states had grocery stores, so I really didn’t have to buy enough fruit for the whole trip at once. :) I also had McD’s yogurt parfaits quite frequently. They’re usually only $1 or so, and they helped with that mid-afternoon slump.
.-= Cammy@TippyToeDiet´s last blog ..When Heat Attacks =-.
Yay for roadtrips!!
Food wise I suggest all that everyone else has.
I’m also a HUGE fan of those little Babybel cheese wheels.
Also Emeralds nuts has this AWESOME smore trail mix.
Hope those help!!
My favourite travel snacks are APPLES, carrot sticks, nuts, and homemade granola bars. Laughing Cow cheese or string cheese is also nicely portable.
It’s funny how similar we all are in our suggestions. Can you tell we’re all health bloggers? Hehe.
.-= Sagan´s last blog ..Product Review and Giveaway: Tropical Traditions Coconut Oil =-.
I find that on road trips, I tend to do a lot more unconscious eating than I would do otherwise. As a result, I would suggest putting only your super safe munchies within arm’s reach (veggies and fruit and water). Everything else make it so you have to make a conscious effort to reach and consume. :) The only other thing I would recommend is chewing gum. It helps me stay conscious to hunger vs. boredom. Hugs & Luck, Kirsten
.-= results not typical girl´s last blog ..how i got the most blog replies ever =-.
youve gotten some GREAT IDEAS.
the only other things I can even think of are envelopes of chicken or tuna for emergency protein?
I always bring instant oats and a rubbermaid container as well…and a tub of protein.
.-= Miz´s last blog ..My greatest mentor (guest post). =-.
Ooooh, that’s a good idea. Emergency protein. I like it.
I don’t have ANYTHING to add! You’ve heard all my ideas already. Have a great time, Mary. I LOVE road trips.
Hey! I gave you a blogger award on my blog today! Come check it out! :)
Thanks Nicole! :)
Yep…all great ideas! I will second the suggestion of stopping at grocery stores instead of fast-food places. Also, if you need to take a break and want to sit down for lunch or dinner, choose a small mom & pop type place if you can and not a Chiles, Outback, Olive Garden or the like.
.-= KCLAnderson (Karen)´s last blog ..What if? =-.
Mary, one of the best resources for cross country good eating (though not always healthy!) is http://www.roadfood.com. It’s a site run by Jane and Michael Stern, who have a near life-long love affair with American regional food and wrote the original Roadfood book like 30 years ago to tell travelers where to eat near the road (often on the US highways that parallel the Interstates because they used to be the through routes) if they want really good examples of the food of that area. Most are diners or family restaurants, so they aren’t particularly expensive. Carol and I have planned whole trips based on the restaurants they recommend, and in addition to good food, have gotten to see real slices of American history.
Have a great trip!
Hmm I have never been on a road trip as an adult. Road trip as defined by taking more than a day to arrive where you’re driving. Only time I’ve ever taken more than a day is when my family drove from NH to DC and we stopped overnight in Philly, but even then we didn’t really NEED to, we just did to see the city. I don’t do well in cars so its prob for the best. Drive safe!!
.-= merri´s last blog ..Calories written out on my menus are SCARY!! =-.
Alot of fruit, nuts, and anything that will help you sustain energy. For a drink I mix strawberry, banana, vanilla extract, and soy, rice or almond milk. I suggest the vanilla rice milk. That’s just a suggestion, you can mix your favorite fruit as long as it have natural sugar to give you an energy without the crash a few hours later
Hey Mary!
Wow, this is GREAT to read!! We’ll be taking a road trip later this summer (and I’ll be doing a triathlon along the way!). So, these are awesome suggestions for me, too! And – Mary!!! This sounds like an amazing trip you have planned – especially that you’ll get to meet so many people!
Granola bars, apples, bananas, water, yogurt….
Have FUN!!!
.-= Lance´s last blog ..Sunday Thought For The Day =-.