My friend Candace started running more regularly in the last couple months and she recently decided that I am going to join her. I didn’t bring up the subject or ask to join her – she just started asking me if I wanted to go with her. I haven’t gone yet because she runs at odd times (she is still in college so her schedule is wacky) that don’t fit with my schedule but I told her last week that I would because I needed to start running again.
Since I told her I would go with her she has been VERY persistent in trying to get me to go. Yesterday she said she might go run this morning. I didn’t really think she would because its cold, rainy, and we both were probably going to be at least slightly hungover. So I put my phone on silent and planned to sleep until I woke up naturally sometime late in the morning.
Around 9 Candace called. Then she texted me 20 minutes later. Then she called again. Then she facebooked me. Then she called again. She left a voicemail telling me she would call me every 20 minutes until I answered. Ugh.
At first I was annoyed and mad and just wanted to go back to sleep. Sleep is my friend. Walking/running while cold, wet, and hungover is not. At all.
But after a while I realized without her I would not be awake. I would not be getting ready to go do something that will make me feel better and help move me closer to all my goals. Her annoying desire to wake me up and get me to run was actually a good thing even if it took me an hour to accept it and agree with her.
So, I just want to thank my friend for her persistence. Sometimes I am lazy and do the opposite of what is good for me and I’m so glad that I have amazing friends around that will push me and help me do what is really the best for me. Time to go exercise.
It’s great that you have a friend like that.
Tony’s last blog post..POM Product Review
Wow, I think I would have given up! She’s very persistant indeed!
Wow, anyone who got out and ran in the mess that was today’s weather has my utmost admiration! (Standing ‘O’ for Mary!)
cammy’s last blog post..Million Dollar Maybe
Hehe…. it was more of a walk for me and we went in a brief period of slightly less rain. :)
I would have been annoyed too, I think, but happy after the run/walk was done! :) I think all of us slimmers could use a friend like that.
Miss Milo’s last blog post..Hello endorphins
reading this made me wonder if THATS why married people supposedly live longer!
I never could ‘get’ that but perhaps it’s almost like having a live-in nudger—-when youre both trying to be healthy anyway :)
MizFit’s last blog post..RandomTwitterTriggered Facetime.
A very good friend indeed! My 16 year-old daughter is begging me a run today. I think I’ll oblige.
Yum Y’s last blog post..Fun ways to exercise when kids get in the way
As much as it sucks to get those phone calls and text messages earlier than we want them, you should feel honored to have a friend that did not give up on calling you.
South Beach Steve’s last blog post..Day 219 – Cutting it Short
So glad you decided to go with her. What a good friend for being persistent and not giving up on you.
Angie (Losing It and Loving It)’s last blog post..Eating Healthy Desserts
That’s great that you have a friend who cares so much about you doing it together! A lot of people I know would be more inclined to sabotage than help, unfortunately.
Sagan’s last blog post..Cheesy Chicken Quesadilla with Hummus and Red Pepper