Do you guys have perfect or even just good weeks and throw all the work away by overeating on the weekend?
I’ve done that so many, many times. But not this weekend. Oh no, not this weekend. This weekend I will NOT be eating 6000 calories. I will not be binging on any food or eating bar food and pints of ice cream. I will not be ruining all my progress for the week.
But I’m not saying no to anything I like or to what food is available. Yesterday I ate at McDonald’s for lunch and had pizza for dinner. (YIKES) Normally this could have been a disaster. But I ate smaller portions of food and didn’t eat any snacks at all during the day. I still stayed within my calorie range for the day and although my body really doesn’t want these foods in me, it is still happy not to be stuffed full of them like it has been in the past.
Over the last week I’ve definitely picked up on the portion control and moderation when eating food. I’ve struggled with this ALOT. I’m not saying I’m an expert now, but I’ve definitely had a good week for eating just the right amount food I need instead of eating until I’m past full. This is the *key* thing I have need to learn and will need to practice to succeed. So I’m glad that I’ve at least caught on to the idea slighty.
It is all about balance, moderation and consistency. They just said that on the America’s Next Top Model episode I’m watching where they are talking about eating, plus size modeling, and body image. I wouldn’t normally recommend this show for health and fitness advice, but they got it right this time.
Got it.
Also… 650 LB Virgin. Have you seen this guy yet? He weighed 620 pounds when he reached out for help and has since lost 410 pounds. A local tv station taped his story and now a documentary of his weight loss, the process of going from “dud” to “stud” is not airing tonight on TLC. You can read about his story and see his Today show interview here. I will definitely watch the show tonight… sounds like an awesome story!
MackAttack says
Which season of Top Model are you watching? I totally agree about the moderation, it’s great to see that you can enjoy anything, but you don’t need to finish it. Awesome. Also, can you add me to your blogroll?
MackAttack’s last blog post..Housekeeping
Fran says
Oh so recognizable. Was last weekend a good weekend with eating. This weekend its terrible: again! Like most weekends. So I lose weight during weekdays and throw that all away in the weekend. I need to change that but somehow I still can’t manage it.
But you’re doing great this weekend!
Fran’s last blog post..Sunday smoothie (week 28)
Fat[free]Me says
Oh, gosh, weekends are so hard! It is when I traditionally eat out or have a dinner with friends at home – usually a mega curry or something, followed by lashings of icecream. I have managed to stop the overeating at weekends mentality (heck, it would quite often start on Friday night, lol) and do the same as you, indulge a little, but not as much.
I do manage to get more exercise in at the weekends though, which does counteract it a bit (I hope!).
Well done you !
Fat[free]Me’s last blog post..The 7-mile Hike in Pictures
Laurie says
Portion control is definitely an issue for me as well. The more the merrier, right? One thing that I’ll do to control portion sizes at McDonald’s in order Happy Meals. Sometimes they people at the window give me weird looks but I don’t care!
Laurie’s last blog post..good start
Art says
I have to be honest… I do not actually pay a ton of attention to what I am eating, and I pay no attention at all to calories. I probably should, but I don’t. I only actually pay attention if I have a really bad day with it. If I have to eat out twice, or if I eat just way too much food. But those days have become rare. :)
Art’s last blog post..What a night!
South Beach Steve says
Congratulations on getting to this point. That is just plain great! If you can control your portions when you are eating food that aren’t really on your diet, you have reached a great place. For me, I have always struggled with this. In fact, I am not sure it is something I trust myself with right now. Great work Mary!
South Beach Steve’s last blog post..Week Fifty-Six Weigh-In, Measurements, and Goals
Hanlie says
I’m definitely ready to start working on my overeating tendencies now. I’ve got the “what to eat” down, but now it’s time for the “how much”.
What an amazing story… I wish I could see it on TV!
Hanlie’s last blog post..Celebrate the day!
Merry Mary says
I don’t know what # the season is. It’s the one Eva won… with Tocarra, Cassie, Noelle, Anne, Yaya. Its from a few years ago.
Eating happy Meals is a great idea. Fast food isn’t good in the super size portions, but can totally be included in a healthy diet if you eat small sizes. Who cares if they look at you weird – you are SMART!
Girl you totally eat better than I do. You eat SUPER healthy compared to me. I don’t do green smoothies and lots of veggies yet. But maybe one day. You will definitely figure out the “how much” part.
Yum Yucky says
Take it from me, as you “master”, anti-overeating on the weekends, it will become 2nd nature and you won’t feel like you have to battle through it. Your weekend tastes & cravings will change until NOT overeating on the weekends becomes a snap – well that’s how it happened for my anyway!. Yay, you!
Yum Yucky’s last blog post..Just Added! Carl’s Jr. Cheat Sheet
cmoursler says
Awesome post. So glad you nailed the portion control this weekend. For me, I have figured out that calorie controlled healthy eating is what works. Hope the weight falls off.
cmoursler’s last blog post..addiction and winning
Jody - Fit at 51 says
YES!!!!! You got it! Portion control is HUGE so try to keep that up.. CONGRATS! And definitely YES to BALANCE. MODERATION. CONSISTENCY. So glad you are doing well & catching on to these very important parts of not only losing but MAINTAINING weight loss. Keep up the great work!
And yes, I saw the story on that guy. Amazing!
Diane, fit to the finish says
Weekends are hard, even at a maintenance weight, because everything can be thrown off. Good for you in choosing smaller portions while you ate out and watching your snacks! I saw the previews for that show – I’ve got to see it! I love all those weight loss shows.
Diane, fit to the finish’s last blog post..Sunday Morning Funnies
Miz says
you KNOW I agree.
Especially about the word consistency.
that is KEY FOR ME.
a few bad weekends? eh, not all that important as Im focusing on staying on this path for the marathon of life.
for the long haul.
I just get up the next day and try to make the best choices I can, go to bed, and do it all again tomorrow.
Miz’s last blog post..MizFit’s live taste test (video post).
wildfluffysheep says
Balance. Moderation. Consistency.
Repeat to self! I am really struggling with balance right now I think. I am with in my calorie range but maybe not balancing out the food groups! Good with the moderation though…. consistency? always on the improve.
thanks for the link to the 650lb virgin. what an inspirational story!
wildfluffysheep’s last blog post..weigh in…
Jenn says
I think weekend overeating stems from the “diet” thought process – something you go “on” and “off”. If you think of it as a way of life, then the weekends are no different.
The trick with weekends for me is the get togethers and celebrations that usually happen on the weekends. I’m learning to bring my own food to these events so I can keep eating healthy stuff and not feel like I’ve “blown it”.
Jenn’s last blog post..Weekend Fun & Holding Patterns
Marta says
I hear you on the weekend dilemmas. I have them almost every weekend. It’s just like all your considerations during the week stop existing on weekend, like the lid come off!!
Well, what I’ve done recently, that has worked, is to think of weekends as normal days, and just apply the exact same rule as weekdays. No eating 2 hours before going to bed (that’s when I brush my teeth for extra control!), balanced meals, portion control, minimal snacking, etc. Also, try to be as active as I can!
It’s all about the will power… but man, it’s hard to find on weekends!
Marta’s last blog post..An Ode: Peanut Butter Cheesecake with Gingersnap Crust
Lisa says
I saw that guy on TLC last night. VERY big difference!
– Lisa
Lisa’s last blog post..Didn’t eat all my points yesterday
MamaBearJune says
Hooray for a healthy message even if it is on a show I never watch. ;-)
Being consistent with the moderation is certainly important.
MamaBearJune’s last blog post..More good lists
Seaward says
He really stunned the peoples there is big change. Its really surprising for everyone.
Katie says
Weekends are the worst!! Instead of only a few hourse of temptation from the treats in the cabinet they’re there all day! Maybe start a project instead so that you can stay busier and not think about snacking as often. Craft maybe?
P.S.-I swear by portion control. There is no reason that you should deprive yourself of anything–as long as everything is in moderation (and your calorie count is on point) you’ll be fine.