The other day I was getting ready to go to the gym and I realized I hated my workout clothes.
I hated every single thing I was wearing to the gym.
Of course I was wearing all black at the time which made me feel like I was headed to a funeral instead of going to do something I find fun. Also nothing fit me properly because I’m smaller than all my workout clothes since I haven’t bought anything new besides tri shorts in at least nine months.
There I am, dressed in black and feeling frumpy. Not exactly the kind of motivating mood you want to be in before a workout. Not at all.
After the moment where I realized how much I hated those clothes it just went downhill from there. I knew I didn’t look great so I didn’t feel great. The attack on my self-esteem went from there and while I was at the gym I felt even worse. Frumpy. Out of place. Ugly. It felt like I was trying to blend into the workout machines. Maybe I was?
I realize now that my workout clothes are a problem and have been for some time. Almost everything is black besides tank tops that I no longer wear because they are misshapen and don’t fit me well. The lack of proper fit and the extreme lack of color makes me unhappy and negatively affects my body image when I’m wearing those clothes. It’s hard to feel good about yourself when you are wearing crappy clothes that don’t reflect how you feel on the inside.
I wear these clothes often so it’s no wonder I’ve been struggling with my body image lately.
For me there is a cycle in two directions. When I feel good about myself, I exercise more and am more active, I lose weight and just feel better. OR… When I feel bad about myself, I stop exercising as much, I eat worse, and I gain weight. What I wear to exercise in is just one part of the equation that leads me toward the negative cycle.
This won’t be resolved any time soon. The reason I haven’t bought any workout clothes since I’ve been in NZ is because they haven’t been a priority. Frankly they still aren’t. I’m hoping that once I get back to the US I can find some reasonably priced yet cute workout clothes so I can start feeling better about myself when I workout which will translate into a return of better body image overall.
What about you? Does what you wear when you workout affect you? Do you like to wear cute exercise clothes? How often do you buy new workout clothes?
for me it is DRESS CLOTHES.
Im not a dress clothes woman so I dont spend and money on dress clothes so I frequently feel craptastic (technical term) and frumpy when I have to get in dress clothes.
It sounds silly but even if I dont wear a lot I need to invest in some dress clothes as how I FEEL totally comes across in how I present myself.
this was about me right?:)
I need to feel good when I’m working out but when I feel like crap (as I do right now), the last thing I want to wear is form fitting clothes, so I feel bigger and less motivated to work out.
It’s a nasty cycle indeed.
I bought some cheap and cute track pants the other day and I’m looking forward to using them more. $40 and I feel cuter in them.
Oh my god Mary, I feel like you are describing ME!
When I go to yoga I am the only frumpy bleh person in plack
oversized t’s etc,while everyone else is in cute colorful yoga clothes.
I am noy comfortable baring my body the way it looks now though,
so in essence am trying to hide in my ugly old black.
People preobably look at me and wonder what the heck is up with my
ugle ass clothes!!! They really are about the worst looking exercise
clothes ever (plus kinda stinky no matter how many washes at this
And yes, I feel gross in them which really counteracts the good feeling I get
from yoga or whatever!
Hay Mary you should totally try a hot yoga class when you get home(but do
NOT try Bikram style -I find it rather mean!!)
I want to try hot yoga! I’ll try to find a class, maybe I can get a Groupon deal or something for it. I miss doing yoga soooo much!
I don’t care what I wear to the gym as long as it’s cotton, comfortable and doesn’t restrict movement during exercises. I go there to improve my health and get stronger, so really, that’s all that matters. But I am an introvert… happiness, motivation, determination they all come from the inside to me.
I don’t have much money for new workout clothes but the rare time I get them, it feels good! It really does! I have to prioritize for shoes cause workout shoes are so important….
Like Miz, I don’t have out & about clothes & I feel frumpy often when I go out…
I totally feel better when I wear cute workout clothes, so most of the time, I try to wear cute outfits!
I think I’m the opposite of the person 2 above me in the comments. I don’t really care what I wear as long as it’s NOT cotton. I hate that heavy feeling I get when a cotton shirt gets sweaty and heavy. As long as it’s technical material, I’m okay with it, regardless of how it fits. But most my stuff isn’t black (would be way too hot to wear black outside here). I tend to get one full new workout outfit (shorts and top) every year (hubby usually gets me one for bday or xmas), and then I always add about 5 or so race shirts, most of which are now tech.
I have ONE race shirt that is a technical material and it’s really cool. I would like to buy or get more like that eventually.
Here in the colonies, workout clothes for “the fuller figure” really is a problem. My mom has to make me things to wear to gym. As for sports bras, don’t even go there. I wish I could jump on a plane and go and buy myself some proper gear in the USA! Or get it into the heads of our local stores that there is a huge (pardon the pun) market out there. I’m sure more fat people would exercise if they could find something decent to wear while doing it!
You know what? You are beautiful. You just have to focus and have determination to achieve your fitness goal. I believe all those slacking are just excuses because you really want to just want to go on with your unhealthy lifestyle. It would be easy to stay focused and watching like biggest lose might help you with inspiration.
I hear ya! I hate wearing clothes to the gym that don’t make me feel good. When you get back to the States, check out Target and JCPenney for cute tops and pants that don’t cost a fortune. I’ve also gotten great workout items at thrift and consignment stores.
In the meantime, maybe you could “borrow” a regular brighter t-shirt from your everyday wear to use at the gym.
I can totally relate to this feeling. Having work out gear that fits properly and helps me perform my best acts as one type of affirmation that what I’m doing is important and that I AM an athlete. Plus, I’m able to focus my mental energy on the work out and not the discomfort of my ill-fitting, or falling down, or unsupportive article of clothing. I don’t like things to be too form fitting either but I find that being able to see my body helps me to maintain good form and motivates me. I’m more likely to keep my abs engaged and I enjoy doing my lunges and bicept curls because I can see my muscles working (or NOT!). I like the suggestion someone else made of buying a new work out outfit each year. That’s a great way to manage the wardrobe budget.
“I find that being able to see my body helps me to maintain good form and motivates me.”
This! Our gym has lots of mirrors so when I’m lifting weights I have to stare at myself! When I’m not feeling good and wearing baggy clothes this is NOT fun. When I wear properly fitting clothes I feel better but what’s more is that I check my form and just do things properly.
For Christmas one year, my sister got me a SLEW of new workout clothes – bright yellows, purples, prints – and it made me feel that much more awake and energized whenever I headed to the gym. If something makes you feel a little lighter, I say its worth it – so when you come back to the US, check out Old Navy or Tar-jay – always have good finds there. Sometimes it’s the little things that make us happy (a $10 manicure makes me feel like a million bucks.)
In the meantime, chin up! Throw on a little lip gloss for your workouts, whatever works! I do…but that’s also because I’m single and semi-man hunting at the gym ;)
Old Navy and Target are the first two places I plan to look. I’m pretty sure I can find some decent things there. :)
LOL @ the lip gloss.
This kind of reminds me of the episode of How I Met Your Mother where they all join the gym. Lily is wearing cute clothes and gets stretched out by some guy that isn’t a trainer or affiliated with the gym. Robin has on an oversized teeshirt with the sleeves cut off and basketball shorts. She wastes no time in working up a sweat and grunting to her hearts content.
The rest of them of course make fun of robin for not “dressing like a lady”. That episode actually prompted me to go buy a new work out outfit (which may say all weird sorts of things about my priorities and reality).
I found once I had unfrumped, my already awesome workouts became super awesome, and while staring at myself I felt cute. Cute while sweating. A contradiction terms? Not anymore!
What a great post!
You know I think I pretend that what I wear doesn’t matter to me but I definitely notice a spring in my step when I’m wearing my favorite workouts duds. Partially due to comfort but I’m sure also aesthetics. I can be shy around around strangers at first and am quiet during workouts so probably sometimes I just like to do my own thing and like not standing out.
It affects me the same way, Mary!! Try ebay once you know what size you need. You can find some uber cute stuff there without it costing a fortune. Also, have your family hit the thrift stores for you (unless they have thrift stores where you are. I honestly have no idea..)
Good luck and FEEL BETTER ABOUT YOU!! =)
Clothes in general! I haven’t been shopping since last September… mainly because I’ve gained weight since then and don’t fit into most of my clothes :( and now I don’t want to go shopping for more clothes because I don’t want to stay this weight for very long.
I’ve promised myself a shopping spree after I’ve lost about 15 pounds. I figure that’ll be good incentive for me to work hard at the weight loss, so that I have something to look forward to which will make me feel amazing.
I understand that. It’s so easy to just avoid shopping until you lose weight. I do that all the time. I need to promise myself a future shopping trip or something. ;)
I have blogged on this before myself. I have cute stuff, functional, and stuff I wear when I don’t want to be bothered by the world. I agree that it’s important for you, though, to wear things that make you feel good about you. Doesn’t have to be skimpy, sexy, tight, whatever but you should feel like the clothes you are wearing to the gym reflect someone wanting to have a healthy lifestyle. When you look the part you act the part. And when you act the part you have a life…a long life worth dressing for.
I like to buy pretty work out cloths so I do feel like putting it on after a long day and getting to the gym. I haven’t bought any workout cloths in 2 years(since the birth of my first son to be exact) but I am due to buy some that make me feel pretty again.
Workout clothes that make you feel good are SO important for motivation! I buy new clothes whenever my old ones wear out or when I find some that I REALLY love. I got an amazing Victoria’s Secret workout top for Christmas but it was from the outlet and no longer in stores. I hunted it down on eBay and bought two more because I loved it that much…it is so flattering and seriously totally motivating!
Honestly, I spent a good chunk of my life in workout clothes, so I’m more likely to buy nice new workout clothes than regular clothes!
I wear crappy clothes on purpose. I run outside and I’m afraid that a bird will shit on me, and wearing old clothes means I can just throw out the shit shirt.
But really, I don’t care what I wear when (if) I work out. I have a surprising lack of self-awareness when I exercise, and I think it helps that I don’t work out around mirrors at all.
I think it would be easier if I didn’t have to stare at myself the whole time. And honestly despite all the times I’ve walked/run/biked outside I’ve never worried about a bird pooping on me. That’s really funny.
You’ll worry about it now, though! Or maybe not. I never really worry about it until I see a big flock of birds on a phone line, or some flying overhead that I think “Welp. I’m gonne get pooped on.” It kind of motivates me to run faster, actually. So that’s the second beneficial part of working out outside.
I think it would be easier if I didn’t have to stare at myself the whole time. And honestly despite all the times I’ve walked/run/biked outside I’ve never worried about a bird pooping on me. That’s really funny.
You know what, I wear leggings, and despite my size, I just say F*@K it. My legs just feel better in leggings, and it’s my workout, isn’t it? I do wear super-oversized shirts to help diminish the effect.
Good on yah! Really you should wear what makes you comfortable. I actually don’t feel comfortable in leggings and prefer workout bottoms that are more, er, supportive. Haha. ;)
My exercise clothes don’t need to be CUTE, but they do need to be functional. For me, that means sweat-wicking (no cotton, cause I sweat like a maniac) and somewhat fitted (enough so that they don’t get in my way for full range of motion). I hate tripping over baggy pants in the gym. Cute is definitely a bonus though!
Tripping on baggy pants is horrible and so embarrassing! I’ve totally tripped over those pants in the photo because they are too long for my short self.
Wow. I care and I don’t care what I wear to the gym. Mostly, I just need to be comfortable, and so I wear what I usually wear, a T-shirt and stretch jeans, something I can move in. But I remember when I was younger, and considerably lighter, and I really enjoyed wearing cute, brightly colored leotards for my ’80s aerobics classes. Wouldn’t be caught DEAD in ’em now, that’s not exactly the current style!
I did feel very happy to earn a bright aqua blue T-shirt with my health club’s logo on it and I’ve been wearing that some. Where I live, there is not much for shopping for workout wear, and shopping for stuff online and then having to return when I don’t like it is too much bother. But now that I am thinking on it, it probably wouldn’t hurt to see if I can find anything more fun. Mind you, there is no Target, no Old Navy and our J C Penney’s store doesn’t carry plus sizes. It’s pretty much Wal-Mart or nothing.
Mostly I am just tired of seeing myself looking big, huger than most of the folks in my Group Active class. And that’s more to do with what I eat than what I wear.
I guess I also fall into the camp that would rather spend on shoes than on clothes… especially since my blasted left foot wants to keep on growing.
Hi Mary :), I think workout clothes can impact how you feel. When I begin to feel lazy about working out I go out and buy a new workout top, or pants. It somehow makes me feel motivated to workout. But I always make sure I find good deals, I don’t like to spend a lot of money on it. The other day I stopped by a sports store and when I saw the prices I thought they were joking with me, and someone was about to jump out and tell me that the prices were a mistake. But they weren’t. It was absurd how expensive workout clothes can be. I don’t go to sports store anymore, I found other places for half that price.
Hi Mary :), I think workout clothes can impact how you feel. When I begin to feel lazy about working out I go out and buy a new workout top, or pants. It somehow makes me feel motivated to workout. But I always make sure I find good deals, I don’t like to spend a lot of money on it. The other day I stopped by a sports store and when I saw the prices I thought they were joking with me, and someone was about to jump out and tell me that the prices were a mistake. But they weren’t. It was absurd how expensive workout clothes can be. I don’t go to sports store anymore, I found other places for half that price.
I definitely want to make sure I feel comfortable – both physically and mentally – with workout clothes. I know exactly how you feel. And from that photo, you are swimming in those clothes, so it’s time to buy some new ones.
I know you said that it’s not a priority, and I completely understand about a tight budget, but think about it this way. If you are wearing workout clothes quite a bit and your self esteem is tied to the workout clothes, and you don’t like to exercise if you are feeling badly about yourself, etc., then doesn’t it seem like you should MAKE it a priority? There must be places like Target in NZ. Or maybe some of us should send you some workout clothes?
There really aren’t places like Target in NZ. It’s sad. I miss Target like crazy. They have a walmart like store but the quality of stuff there isn’t the greatest. I plan to wait until I go home and then stock up on things over the few months I’m home. :)
I totally feel that. I haven’t ever really thought about work out clothes as something to budget for until recently and always felt frumpy, out of place and ugly. It’s crazy what a great pair of shorts or bike pants with a colorful tank does for a person.
I have some cute workout clothes and some ugly ones. Usually any shirts that get stained or old or whatever, turn into workout/jammies shirts, so I tend to end up wearing these misshapen ugly shirts to the gym a lot. It makes sense, moneywise and not wasting things wise, but then sometimes I feel bleh in them when I see other people in really cute outfits. Once in a while when I see workout shirts on sale (usually at old navy) I get new ones & those seem cuter and esp if they happen to match with my socks or my pants, I feel all real-girlish and happy. But mostly, I tend to buy new workout pants and not shirts (right now im loving victorias secret yoga pants). Because I cant wear old jeans or something to the gym, I actually have to get pants just for that purpose. It doesn’t TOTALLY affect me because working out is fun and adrenaline etc but its def for sure that I feel better on the days I don’t look like a mess at the gym. I have absolutely been wanting to get rid of any ugly workout clothes and replace them with cute ones, but then Id always rather spend the $ on other things like real life clothes, food, going places and bills (well I don’t want to the last one but kinda have to). I asked for some for xmas & ended up with one new shirt & one pants which kinda doesn’t fit me. Maybe, just to find something not black, you can find some giveaways, like the free shirts they hand out places, or something online? I do notice when other people’s workout clothes are strange, ill admit. Like working out in jeans, or workboots, that just seems odd. Or one girl who its great, must have lost a lot of weight, only her sweatpants always look so giant like theyre gonna fall off one day as she walks, so if I were her, id worry about that. Oh and the one woman who wore her underwear OVER her leggings. Barring something extreme like that, I never notice if others’ clothes are normal yet a bit ugly.